GIS Essentials is a collection of key presentations for GIS managers and GIS users in the UK. The UK's geospatial strategy is set by the Geospatial Commission, whilst access to Ordnance Survey's extensive library of UK GIS data is possible via the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement. Essential information about both are included in GIS Essentials. There are also a series of presentations outlining different OS datasets accessible through the PGSA. These GIS datasets offer GIS users highly accurate spatial & attribute data at a range of map scales, in vector and raster format. The GIS Essentials presentations provide key information for GIS managers and GIS users in the UK on getting the best out of this library of quality GIS data.
Info Modules
Key Agreements
The Geospatial Commission
The Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA)
OS Data Hub
About the OS Data Hub
OS Names API
OS OpenData
What is OS OpenData?
1:250K Colour Raster
1:250K Gazetteer
Code-Point Open
GB Overview Maps
OS Open Greenspace
OS OpenMap - Local
OS Open Names
OS Open Rivers
OS Open Roads
OS Open Zoomstack
OS Terrain 50
OS VectorMap District
OS Data Products
VectorMap Local
1:25K and 1:50K Raster Products
Address Products
Code Point
Unique Identifiers

Actual course content is only accessible to users with a licenced account.
Courses cover a range of functions that are available in the GIS software.
These courses provide thorough tuition, covering the range of functions needed to undertake a project.
They include presentations, exercises and data.
Modules are function specific. If you have a good overview of the software, modules let you focus on a specific function from its basics through to its most complex aspects.
Read more guidance.