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Advanced Guide to ArcGIS 10.3

This Advanced online ArcGIS course follows on from the GIS247 Mastering and Intermediate courses. It is also suitable for experienced ArcGIS users who wish to learn more about some of the functions they may use regularly whilst discovering new functions they might not have used. It provides a comprehensive assessment of the advanced functions (such as geodatabases, remote data access, advanced attribute expressions, label expressions and annotation). Advanced functions for working with spatial features are also explored, such as spatial joins and geoprocessing analysis.

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Course Sections

Section 1 : Managing Data
The ArcGIS Software, Valid Spatial Data Sources, Data Conversion Tools, Adding Spatial Data, Geodatabases & ArcMap, Exporting Data, Valid Attribute Data Sources, Saving Map Documents, Relative Pathnames, Managing Lost Data SourcesAdding Raster Data, Georeferencing Rasters, Raster Group Layers, LYR files, Swipe & Flicker Images, Raster Transparency, Brightness & Contrast, Image Symbology, Adding Pictures, Hyperlinks, Dynamic Hyperlinks
Section 2 : Creating & Managing Geodatabases
Geodatabase Structure, Creating a Geodatabase, Feature Datasets & Feature Classes, Re-Using Dataset Definitions, New Feature Classes, Tools to Populate Geodatabases, Single & Batch Mode Import, Data Transfer, Default Geodatabase, Importing Raster Data to Geodatabase, Creating a Raster Catalog, Managed vs Unmanaged, Loading Images, Raster Catalogs in ArcMap
Section 3 : Advanced Attribution
Using X&Y Coordinates, XY in ArcCatalog, Event LayersSelect by Attributes dialog, Using Aliases, SQL Syntax, Complex Expressions, Multiple Value Matching, Reversing an Expression, Wildcards, Selecting with Formulas
Section 4 : Advanced Labels & Annotation
Labelling in ArcMap, Label Styles & Customisation, Visibility Control, Conflict Detection, Label Classes, Symbol Classes and Labels, Label Priority, Label Weight, Label Expressions, Label Script Functions (VBScript & JScript), Label Tags, ScalingArcMap Label Engines, Starting with Maplex, Label Position, Fitting Strategy, Key Numbering, Label Density, Conflict Resolution, Labeling Options, Labeling ToolbarAnnotation Groups, Interactive Annotation, Annotation Feature Class, Editing an Annotation Feature Class
Section 5 : Advanced Symbolising & Map Production
Symbol Styles, Style Manager, Creating New Symbols, Match Symbols Symbology, Group Values, Sub-Headings, Symbology using Many Fields, Dot Density, Legend Descriptions, Symbol Levels, MaskingData Frame Extent Options, Full Extent Tool, Adding Grids, Adding a Graticule Grid, Adding a Measured Grid, Adding a Reference Grid, Grid Management
Section 6 : Spatial Joins & Geoprocessing
Spatial Join vs. Select by Location, Point in Polygon Analysis, Polygons Containing Points, Proximity Analysis, Other Spatial RelationshipsGeoprocessing Functions, Command Line Window, Geoprocessing Options, Geoprocessing Log, Geoprocessing Results, Dissolve, Merge, Clip, Intersect, Union
Section 7 : The Model Builder
Model Builder, Organizing Models, Toolsets & Models, Creating New Models, Model Help, Generating a Model using Existing Tools, Adding Layers, Variables and Connections, Model Parameters
Section 8 : Customizing the ArcGIS Interface
GUI Structure, GUI Options, Additional Toolbars, Creating New Toolbars, Toolbar Commands, Toolbar Menus, Context Menus, Shortcut Keys, Locking the GUI
Section 9 : Geocoding with Address Locators
Geocoding Workflow, Geocoding Tools, Address Locators (Defining & Using), Geocoding in ArcMap, Geocoding Options, Review & Interactive Rematch

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